Dan. 12:1-3; Heb. 10:11-14, 18: Mk. 13:24-32
The passage from Mark 13:24-32 draws our attention to two profound truths: the certainty of the end and the uncertainty of its timing. It reminds us of the transient nature of creation and the permanence of God’s word. Jesus’ apocalyptic vision, filled with vivid imagery of cosmic upheaval, challenges us to reflect on our readiness for that day. Today, we will explore these themes, drawing support from the Old Testament, other religious traditions, and examples from both ancient and contemporary times. Ultimately, we are called to live lives of vigilance, rooted in faith, hope, and love.
Jesus begins with striking imagery: the sun darkened, the moon withholding its light, and stars falling from the sky. This description underscores the inevitability of cosmic upheaval, echoing the Old