
The American Management Association had made a study on the reasons why certain managers fail. Some stated causes were: (1) They did not know how to or did not want to delegate their authority. (2) They could not organize people under their jurisdiction. (3) They did not know how to organize their own time. These and other factors led to their downfall. But there was one other major cause of failure which was more basic and more serious than all the rest. Their biggest fault was their arrogance. Arrogance is defined as a feeling of superiority manifested in an overbearing or haughty way of relating to others.

Jesus was a person of tremendous authority, both over people and over spirits, as is clearly manifested in the gospel of Mark 1:21-28. Yet, the Lord was always meek and humble of heart (Mathew 11:28) - the exact gentleness and humility and allows our authority to be exercised as much from the heart as with our head, and then we can hope to be successful leaders and managers, too. We would also be wonderful Christians, living in the true spirit of our divine master.