God and You

In the preaching of Jesus, He made many references to what David did on various occasions. It is said He is“Son of David”. We can find many parallels in them.

1) David began his reign when he was thirty years of age, the same age at which Jesus began his public life.
2) Our Lord spent fort days in the desert preparing for his ministry and David ruled his country for a period of forty years.
3) David and Jesus came from the same genealogical line and both were kings.
4) The central city in the life of David was Jerusalem, as it also was for Jesus.
5) Like David, Jesus never took revenge against enemies. The companions of David advised him to take revenge against Saul before he takes, he did not. The disciples of Jesus advised him to call fire from heaven against enemies, he did not.
6) The tomb of David is located in Jerusalem also of Jesus.

David was a rejected child but God send Samuel to tell David, that he is a chosen one.
God did not allow David to build the temple because his hands were stained with blood. David had some short comings and limitations. Yet Jesus takes him, to be his hero. David’s spiritual qualities were much more than his limitations. And also he always neutralised his failures with penance, lamentations and love for God and others.

God looks at us like a loving father who is ready to receive the child when he returns. It gives lots of hope for us.

David had enough time to repent, do penance, purify him and then be glorified.

Will I too get enough time….