Faith and Community

A wall will not be strong with loose bricks; the bricks must be cemented together. So the early Christians formed themselves into a well-knit family. “The brethren devoted themselves to the apostles’ instructions and the communal life, to the breaking of bread and the prayers, sharing all things in common” (Acts 2:42).

We too need to belong to the community of believers to derive support from one another and grow in our faith. Our faith is never perfect; we are partly unbelievers. We need other’s faith to help our unbelief. Like life, our faith too has peak moments and zero moments. It too has mountain top and valley moments. When we are in a valley of doubts and our faith seems to flicker and threaten to go out, we need the community.

We need to belong to it also in order that we might experience the presence of the risen Lord. St. Thomas got his experience of Christ in the community of disciples. In the community he became a believer because there he met Jesus.