Influence / temptation

We are very often influenced by others. Our character, likings, desires, decisions, etc. are formed on the Inspirations and suggestions of others.

This can be positive or negative. The positive part of it is called influence where as the negative is temptation. One can be influenced by others’ good character. Nevertheless, when someone influences us to commit a mistake we call it a temptation.

A person may inspire (influence) you to pray. Another may inspire (tempt) to lie. All these are influences. Many speak of temptation only in relation with the 6th Commandment. Equal importance should be given to all Commandments.

When such an influence is positive one, the influenced person may own it up. It may not be so in the case of negative one.

The one who falls into temptation may remain ignorant about the backdrop. However, one who brings about temptation is more sinful than the former.

According to the words of Jesus, it is better for those who cause temptation to be thrown into deep sea. Also Civil law speaks of persons who commit crime that they are more guilty of the offence.