Holy Thursday

Many people desired to leave behind  them a  concrete  symbol for the posterity to remember them. The Pharaohs of Egypt had thus built  the great pyramids of Egypt. It stands  high, embraced by the heavenly clouds, still bearing witness to  the  memories of  Pharaohnic rule. Former President of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos, figured his great face on a mountain between the cities of Pujo and Baguio. But on  30 December, 2002  the visage was blown to pieces.

Jesus  left behind him not a perishable  monument, but his  very real presence  in the  institution of the Eucharist. The Eucharist  is the symbol of life giving bread. "I am the  bread of life…unless you will eat the flesh of  the son of man you will have no life in you (Jn 6). Interestingly, Jesus was born  in Bethlehem, and  the Hebrew name "Bethlehem" means "House of Bread".

Eucharist was instituted on the Day of Passover. Passover for the Jews was  one of the greatest feasts. It recalled the major events in the history of salvation. To remember the  great deeds of God in delivering His people from Bondage, God commanded them to keep  this feast observing all the details as it was done in  Egypt, when the Angel of God came down and smote  all the first born of the homes which were not smeared with the blood of the lamb. After narrating the  events, they ate the  unleavened bread together with the roasted lamb.

Lamb was  an important symbol in the expiation of  sins. In Leviticus we read the  account of transferring the sin of the society  onto the  lamb. "The High Priest is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the wickedness and rebellion of the Israelites – all their sins – and put them on the goat's head. He shall send  the goat away into the desert in the care of a man appointed for the task. The goat will carry on itself all their sins to a solitary place (Lev.16:21-22)." The goat bore their sins and  disappeared into the desert. This gave the Israelites a visual image to "see" God forgiving their sins. Before the  scapegoat   was sent out, the high priest had sacrificed a goat  and made  atonement as a sin offering  for the nation of Israel.  The law prescribed, "He shall then slaughter the goat for the sin offering  for the people and take its blood  behind the curtain  and do with it as he did with the bull's blood; He shall sprinkle it on the atonement cover and in  front of it. (Lev 16:15). The reconciliation with God has been accomplished for the year.

When John the Baptist was preaching repentance  he saw Jesus  and he  proclaimed "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." When Jesus was pointed out as the Lamb of God, John Knew well the role of the lamb in the Jewish tradition. When Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son, Isaac, he  willingly obeyed God's command. But, as Abraham raised hands to slay him God  called him. "Abraham do not lay your hands on the child. Abraham looked up and saw a ram. He sacrificed it to God. A male lamb is offered daily at the morning and evening sacrifice on the Sabbath day, at the feast of the New Moon, of  Trumpets, of Tabernacles, of  Pentecost, of Passover and on many other occasions.

Jesus the lamb of God offered himself  to God at the last supper. Eucharist  stands as a perfect offering. Jesus changed the bread into his Body and wine into his Blood. He gave authority to his disciples to reenact this sacrifice. When he entrusted  them with this power  he knew they were weak. He knew that Peter would deny  Him. He knew they would all hide for fear of the Jews. Still he has given them the privilege and entrusted them with the power to reenact the sacrifice.

There are Cherubim and Seraphim  waiting at his feet. Bu he has not given this power to any of the Angels. By commanding them to reenact this sacrifice in his memory  Jesus has  instituted the sacrament of  Holy Orders, and set them  above the Angels. Even Mother Mary had  the opportunity to bring Jesus into the world only once. But  he comes down through the hands of the priest at every Eucharistic celebration.

Then Jesus reminded them that this authority is for service. He demonstrated  it by washing the feet of his disciples. And Jesus gave them the new commandment. "Love one another as I have loved you."

Every Christian who partakes in the body and blood of Jesus should turn into the  lamb of God. He should be able to bear witness to the new commandment of love. He should be able to reenact the sacrifice of Jesus. Then as John declared seeing Jesus, "Behold,  the lamb of God"  our brothers should be able to point at us and say, "Behold the lamb of God." For that  the love taught by Jesus, the sympathy  reflected in the face of Jesus, the consolation  found in the words of Jesus, the forgiveness offered by Jesus, the Kindness shown by Jesus and the understanding  radiated through the actions  of Jesus should be experienced through us. May Jesus give us the strength and grace for this especially during the great Triduum.
