Cycle C 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gen. 18:20-1, 23-32; Col. 2:6-14; Lk. 11:1-13

Leo Tolstoy’s “God Sees the Truth, But Waits” is a parable of forgiveness.

Ivan Demetrievich Aksenov was a merchant living in the town of Vladimir. One day he planned to go to a fair as a business venture, but his wife pleaded for him not to go because of a nightmare she had the previous night. She said that all his hair had gone gray when he returned from the fair. Aksenov ignored his wife's dream and left for the fair.

Aksenov met another merchant on his way, and the two decided to travel together. They checked into an inn and retired separately. Aksenov woke early the next morning to get to the fair and left without the other merchant. Not far down the road, Aksenov was stopped by the police. They explained that a merchant was just murdered and robbed in the town, and they searched Aksenov's bag. They found a bloody knife, and despite Aksenov's claims of innocence, he was sentenced to be flogged and sent to Siberia.

Aksenov spent twenty-six years in Siberia. Slowly he gave up his desire for revenge, resigned to his fate, and dedicated his life to God. He became a mediator of sorts in the prison, and he was well respected by the other prisoners and guards alike. One day a new prisoner, Makar Semonovich, was transferred to the prison. After overhearing several conversations, Aksenov discovered that Makar Semonovich was the man who committed the murder for which Aksenov was blamed.

One day the prison guards noticed that someone had been strewing mud around the grounds, and the search led to the discovery of a tunnel. Aksenov had found out earlier that it was Makar Semonovich who was digging the tunnel, but even after being questioned by the police, Aksenov declared that it was not his place to speak about the matter. Makar Semonovich approached Aksenov later that day in a terrible state, and he confessed eventually his crime. Aksenov forgave Makar Semonovich, and he felt as if a terrible weight had been lifted.

In the prayer that Jesus taught, He added a clause, “Forgive us as we forgive our trespassers”.  Forgiveness is the central problem of life. Sin is a sense of separation from God, and is the major tragedy of human experience. Whenever sin increased, God’s inevitable punishment was pronounced. Many a time we find mediators, pleading with God, for the sake of humanity. The first reading gives an instance of Abraham’s pleading with God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah, even if there were only ten just men in the city.

We often think, what is the use of one man observing justice, while the whole world around is reeling in injustice. The first reading is the answer to this question.  The just life of one man, can save the whole world from the punishment of God. Whenever we do a little act of kindness, whenever we extend a helping hand to the needy, whenever we console an ailing friend, whenever we adhere to truth, we contribute to the goodness in the world. No good action, however trivial it appears, will go futile.

The Prayer that Jesus taught us covers all life. It covers past sins. When we pray we cannot do other than praying for forgiveness.  The primary condition to accept God’s forgiveness is to extend our forgiveness to others.

If our prayers are not being answered, we should search our consciousness, and see if there is someone whom we have yet to forgive. Find out if there is some old thing about which we are very resentful. Search and see if we are not really holding a grudge against someone.

Secondly, it covers the present need. It tells us to pray for our daily bread. When the people of Israel were fed with “Manna” (Ex 16:11-21) they were directed to gather only what was enough for the day. We are not to worry about the unknown future, but to live a day at a time.  Cardinal Newman prayed for the strength to keep the next step.

Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom;
Lead thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home;
Lead thou me on!
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene--one step enough for me

Since we are filled with remorse about the past and anxiety about the future we forget the present. We often ponder over what we could not do yesterday, or what we will do tomorrow, so we   fail to see the obligations of today. Hence Jesus reminds us to live “today”.

Thirdly, it covers future trials. “Temptation” means “any testing situation”. It includes every situation that is a challenge to and a test of a person’s integrity and fidelity. As one grows more and more intense in spiritual life, the trials that he has to overcome too increase.  As we advance, new and powerful temptations await us on the path, ever ready to hurl us down, if we are not watchful.

To emphasize the importance of persevering in prayer, Jesus gave the story of a friend who arrived at midnight and the necessity to go next door to one’s neighbour to borrow loaves of bread.

Jesus concluded His teaching by saying that “If you ask, it will be given to you.” Our prayers are answered by not granting what we ask, but by giving what we need.

I asked for strength…….
And God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom…
And God gave me problems to solve
I asked for prosperity…
And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work
I asked for courage…
And God gave me Danger to overcome
I asked for love….
And God gave me Troubled people to help
I asked for Favours….
And God gave me opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted…
I received everything I needed, my prayer have been answered.
