May 1st International day for workers

Acts 5:17-26; Jn. 3:16-21
Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker and “International Workers' Day."
In reality, May Day was born as a workers' holiday not to celebrate military power, but to honour the struggle of the U.S. labour movement for the eight-hour day. The effort to win
"eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, and eight hours for what we will" became a crusade for labour in the years after the Civil War of 1861.
For years, factory workers had been forced to work up to 16 hours a day in unsafe conditions. As they organized into unions, they began campaigning for an eight-hour workday.
Genesis gives the beautiful story of creation. God finished the work of creation in six days. And he rested on the seventh day from all his work he had done.
Man, the crown of creation received the following blessing. "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.
From that time on man began his work on the earth, as farmers, as inventors, as builders, as architects, as scientists, and so on.
According to a common belief, God sends everyone in this world with two hands and a hidden trait that is his real treasure to serve others with, in addition to earning his own livelihood. He expects everyone to work hard and contribute to the progress of the country and the well-being of others by working continuously and joyfully. And this demands ‘Labour’, that is not to be shirked or avoided under any circumstances.
Os Hillman tells the story of a rider on horseback, who many years ago, came across a squad of soldiers who were trying to move a heavy piece of timber.
A corporal stood by, giving lordly orders to “Heave.”
But the piece of timber was too heavy for the squad.
“Why don’t you help them?” asked the quiet man on the horse, addressing the important corporal.
“Me?  Why, I’m a corporal sir!”
Dismounting, the stranger carefully took his place with the soldiers.
“Now, all together boys – heave!” he said.  And the big piece of timber slid into place.
The stranger mounted his horse and addressed the corporal.  “The next time you have a piece of timber for your men to handle, corporal, send for your commander-in-chief.”
The horseman was George Washington, the first American President.
Those who love work rise in life, but those who despise labour remain static and lag behind to shed tears, later on. A laborious man is honest and persevering. He lives a hard life, earns very little money-but can look at any man in the face, for he owes no one anything. He may not be rich, and may be forced to struggle each day to survive, but he is a real hero in the battle of life. Contentment and satisfaction are assured for him.
Abraham Lincoln, the famous U.S. President, commented that if God did not want us to work, he would have given us no hands. Truly, it is only through toil and sweat that man can get things done. We would have no food, if farmers did not work hard in sun and in shower.  We would not have clothes to wear if men and women did not work hard as weavers. We would not have a house if people did not work hard in construction. We would not have any vehicles if factory workers did not labour hard.
When we work we participate in the noble act of creation. It is our duty also to respect the people engaged in the act of creation. Shashikant Nishant Sharma has described in his poem about it.
If work were so pleasant
The rich of the world would had been peasant
If labouring yielded gold
Then donkey would had been called
The best of animal kingdom
Thinking is random
But hope it will spark your thinking
And help you in linking
The miseries of the world
It is not due to lack of labour
But due to dint of some clever
Benefits are reaped by few
Few among us, unwilling to share
And not ready to care
For poor for sure
What do you think is the cure? 
St Joseph stands as a perfect example of a dedicated worker and one who respect workers. As we celebrate “International Workers' Day," let us absorb the qualities of our patron.