Holy Mass

Those who attend early morning Holy Mass should find great consolation in Mark’s Gospel (1:36): “Rising early the next morning, Jesus went off to a lonely place in the desert; there he was absorbed in Prayer.” Jesus could have slept late and prayed at home, but he did not. He chose to leave the house to find a quiet and meditative place for prayer. I love the word used to describe his prayerful frame of mind. He was “absorbed” in prayer. We think of sponge absorbing water until it is saturated. Jesus, in prayer, was saturated with the thoughts, the sentiments and the glory of God. Then, filled with grace and power, he had more than enough to pour out on all he met that day.

We come to church and strive to enter into that same kind of quality conversation with God. By being open to whatever God wills for us each day we place ourselves in a position where we are able to absorb the strength we will need. We often think of prayer in terms of asking, but prayer also entails praise and thanksgiving. When we pray well we become absorbed in the presence of God and worship in spirit and truth. We need to participate fully in the holy sacrifice of the Mass and not limit our prayer to a quick preparation for communion. We become absorbed in God’s Eucharistic presence by concentrating on all the readings, prayers and ceremonies, Jesus strongly believed in the power of prayer and gave to it quality time each day.